Handcrafted Beadwork for Urban Wear

Bondi designs uses beading techniques from around the world to make modern fashion statements. We work together with women and their families to carry on bead weaving as a way to represent ancestral traditions and support economic growth and independence.

The Bondi Line

Bondi line is made with MIYUKI glass beads. These beads are considered a “world standard” for their high quality, brilliance, and uniform shape. They are highly sought after by fashion designers, artists and bead fans alike. The individually hand woven patch is then carefully set on a hand cut piece of high quality leather and secured to the cap of choice.

Custom Crafted

Wearing Bondi Designs is a way to express yourself by wearing unique handmade craft. Each piece is individually handcrafted using ancient weaving techniques and the highest quality materials.

The Peyote Line

The Peyote line is made with Czech glass round seedbeds. These beads are found all over the globe and used for decorative adornment and expression. Peyote design is based off the beadwork from the master beading community of the Huichol of Mexico.

Who’s Wearing Bondi?

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